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Get affordable car insurance that covers all your needs

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Some people believe that vehicle insurance is beyond their financial reach. The good news? There are affordable car insurance solutions that can protect your vehicle and your financial wellbeing.



Affordable car insurance: How much insurance do you need?



When it comes to comparing car insurance quotes, your insurance options range from comprehensive cover, the higher and also the most inclusive option, to third-party insurance - which is a basic and affordable car insurance choice. In a nutshell:



  • Comprehensive insurance includes accidental loss or damage to a vehicle, such as car accidents, theft and hail. It also covers both your vehicle and a third party’s vehicle if, for instance, you cause an accident. Comprehensive car insurance now comes with a guarantee. Guaranteed value insurance: cover that makes things right if your car is written off or stolen (Ts and Cs apply).
  • Limited (fire and theft) cover enables you to claim for loss or damage to a vehicle, including third-party liability, if it is a result of fire, lighting, explosion, theft or attempted theft.
  • Third-party insurance ensures that if you cause an accident, the damage to the other driver’s vehicle will be covered. It covers the amount for which you are legally liable to a third party. If your car is relatively old and paid off, you could consider this type of insurance as an option.




Make your premium more affordable with car insurance quotes from Santam



Apart from choosing the insurance option best suited to your needs, it is possible to adjust your premium to suit your pocket, without compromising on cover.



Ask your insurer these questions:


  • Am I eligible for a discount if I combine my household and vehicle policies?
    Most insurers offer a discount on your premium if you combine your car and household insurance under one policy.
  • If I drive less, do I save on my car insurance?
    Yes! At Santam, we believe everyone’s travel habits, and insurance needs, are different. So, you can save up to 20% of your car insurance premium if you drive less than 15000 km a year with our SmartPark offering.
  •  Can my excess structure be changed to lower my monthly premium?
    Generally, you can pay a lower premium if you increase your excess payment. Be careful though, even if you save by having a lower premium on a monthly basis, you should be able to afford the high excess amount if a loss occurs.
  •  Is there any optional cover on my policy?
    Additional cover that you don’t really need can be removed to lower your premium.
  • Do you offer value-added benefits?
    Some insurers offer more value than others. Santam has free SOS services specifically for vehicle owners who have emergencies on the side of the road.
  • How flexible are you?
    Your insurer should allow you to change cover according to your needs. If you want to increase or decrease your excess; or change from basic to more comprehensive cover, you should be able to do this at any time.



Switch today! Get affordable car insurance with Santam


Whenever you have to choose between insurers, choose the one that offers a policy structured to suit your needs and your pocket. It’s not necessarily the insurer with the lowest premium, but the one that makes sure you’re sufficiently covered at the most affordable premium.



It is so easy to switch to Santam insurance. If you’d like more information about how to get affordable car insurance to suit your pocket, speak to your intermediary or call 0860 444 444.

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