{{ index + 1 }}

{{ item }}

Commercial drone insurance

A drone may only be used for commercial purposes. Not what you are looking for? Buy personal drone insurance instead

Enter your details


Commercial drone insurance

A drone may only be used for commercial purposes. Not what you are looking for? Buy personal drone insurance instead

Drone details


Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Remove last drone

Drone details

Add another drone
Remove last drone

Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details


Pilot details

Add another Pilot
Remove last pilot

Commercial drone insurance

A drone may only be used for commercial purposes. Not what you are looking for? Buy personal drone insurance instead

Available cover offered


Select a premium

Quote for Drone Insurance (commercial operation only) underwritten by Santam Aviation a division of Santam Ltd. Please note the below premiums are subject to the correctness of the information provide, if any of the information provided is untrue/incomplete the insurer may be entitled to terminate the insurance cover.

Please select whether you would prefer to pay your premium as an annual/once off amount or as 12 monthly instalments (via debit order)

Secured by Entrust. Click to verify

Set up a debit order

Banking details





Select debit order frequency







Debit order collection date





Commercial drone insurance

This policy is an annual policy with fixed policy period as specified in the policy schedule. Premiums will be reviewed and the new terms issued (at the discretion of the insurer) based on new underwriting information obtained at the end of the policy period. There is no automatic renewal and no guarantee that the terms will be offered.

This is to certify that your quote has been finalised at {{ premium }} (based on the information provided) for:
{{ option }}

Personal details


{{ personalDetails.firstName }}


{{ personalDetails.surname }}


{{ personalDetails.email }}

Contact number:

{{ personalDetails.phoneNumber }}

Address 1:

{{ personalDetails.addressOne }}

Address 2:

{{ personalDetails.addressTwo }}

Address 3:

{{ personalDetails.addressThree }}

Postal code:

{{ (personalDetails.postCode).toString() }}

Drone {{index + 1}} details


{{ drone.drone }}


{{ drone.droneModel }}

Serial No:

{{ drone.serialNumber }}

Liability limit:

{{ drone.riskLimit }}

Retail price:

{{ drone.retailValue }}

Year of manufacture:

{{ drone.yearOfManufacture }}

Pilot {{ index + 1 }}

Full Name:

{{ pilot.pilotFullName }}

Third party liability:

{{ coverOptions.length > 0 ? "Yes" : "No" }}


  • {{ option }}

Bank details


{{ selectedBank }}

Account Name:

{{ debitOrder.accountHolder }}

Account No:

{{ (debitOrder.accountNumber).toString() }}


{{ debitOrder.branch }}

Debit order frequency:




Debit order date:

{{ debitOrder.debitOrderDate == 1 ? '1st' : debitOrder.debitOrderDate == 15 ? '15th' : '1st' }}


Commercial Drone Insurance

Your drone is covered

Reference number : {{ refNumber }}

Good day, an e-mail will be sent shortly with your policy.

Thank you for choosing Insurance good and proper by accepting our offer commercial drone insurance. This serves as confirmation that your submission has been successful.



Private Drone Insurance

Something went wrong!

Please try again later

Get a quote

To get business insurance, provide a few details and let us call you.